My Sims - Old Doom

We all know the 'Sims' series, I like it to be honest - my first was one of the 'MySims' series, it didn't have a specific sub genre, I bought it a couple of years ago, it was for D.S light, it was bought from a popular game store, they sometimes have 2nd hand games for lower prices and since I was young I couldn't afford a brand new copy. The person who sold it to me didn't care much, giving me the copy with a happy smile that they gave to the younger people.
When I came home, I eagerly turned it on. Everything was normal at first, the start screen and all. I thought nothing of it, like a normal person. I wouldn't be able to tell if the front screen was broken or anything but I remember the sky being cloudy and dull, not happy like it should have been.
There was already a save file, sadly I don't remember the name, it was something like Brandean (Odd name for a female) but due to my laziness I went onto that one instead of making my own. Brandean was in a lab.
The character had red short spiky hair, wore jeans and a red custom made top that looked like blood, obviously the pixles were rather big so I thought nothing of it. The character looked rather grim and depressed, so did the others. Anyway, the lab had a Scientist in it, crazy grey hair (I forgot all the names sadly), he had a smile of his face, it was rather creepy - maybe it was just the hair?
I took Brandean into her house, there were plush dolls ordered out in the room, like an army, I thought the past owner must've been a real fan of plushes, moving along despite being rather unnerved by the game. I walked around the town, everyone had a grim expression.. but the mayor also had a creepy smile, same as the Scientist, but hers was more sadistic.
I began to get rather creeped out but I craved fear so I went on, I began to talk to the sims. Although their conversations were short and you couldn't reply most of them were all depressed most of them said things roughly like "Get out, traitor" and "You're the reason they're insane!", it wasn't me though, I didn't know what I did!
I ran Brandean through the town, reaching a man who offered to take my character on a boat trip, he didn't seem angry with me, but when the screen blackened (Probably because the creators didn't make a short cut for them on the ocean) the man began to weap, it was in text at first but after 5 seconds or so it began to produce noise, I didn't turn down my volume for some reason, I forget why!
When I went to he other island it was almost the same, everything was darker though and everyone was angry and not sad, when I talked to them they talked in all caps but repeated the same thing. I remember taking Brandean through the town, everything looked dead and there was a zoo, the keeper looked at my character in fear, saying something like "Don't kill anymore, please!" and then ran away.
After a while of confusion mixed with fear, I raced back to the other island, the man wasn't crying this time but there was a light chuckle - you could hear it slightly if you turned the volume up. When I got back to the island, I went into the house again.
The room changed, it was bigger somehow, more plush toys but now ripped apart, the chuckle began to start again, louder and louder - I turned down my volume just enough to hear it then the boat keeper, the scientist and the mayor came up to Brandean, some pixalated blood on them and chuckled maniacally and walked towards my character. They didn't kill Brandean, instead she began to laugh and pulled out this odd gun like thing, they all nodded and ran out of the house. The screen went black for a short second and a crash screen appeared saying the file was corrupted and deleted itself.
I created a new file by myself and everything was basically normal, but the people scare me a little now, I never play it at night and always double check what I am doing!
Sadly I misplaced the game, it wasn't too bad as the corrupted file auto deleted itself, I don't know what happened I think the other owner of the game found a cheat code or something to muck up the system, perhaps did everything wrong for the town. I left the game around my house and I am still looking.
I still get nightmares from the laughter, I wouldn't go around my plush toys, yes I had them because I was young, ever again; it's weird but it honestly scared me, I wish I mad my own game or turned it off while I could, maybe mute the god damn thing!
''Written by Olaris''